Pokémon Diamond / Perl: So your eggs break out very quickly

Of course, there are also eggs in Pokémon Bright Diamond & Luminous Pearl, from which Pokémon can slip. If you regularly breed new pocket monsters or even be out of shiny, you should use some tricks to accelerate the process. In this article we tell you how your eggs in the Remakes Pokémon Diamante and Perl hatch very quickly.

How to Hatch Eggs Fast in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl | FASTEST Method Tips for hatching eggs in Pokémon Diamante and Perl

How do you break eggs? If you get a Pokémon egg gift or breed it, you have to run a certain number of steps until it slips. The annoying thing is that every egg occupies a place in your group. Therefore, it is obvious to take time for the breeding instead of pushing history with the eggs in the luggage.

These places are available: You are best looking for a long route with plenty of space and as few random calls — Route 209 or 210 for example. First, defeat all coaches in the area, and then swings you on your bike. Now it is called round turning until a Pokémon slips out of the egg.

Fast Pokémon eggs hatch with magma panzer and flame body

So you need less steps: There is a trick with which you can accelerate the process. For this you need a Pokémon in your team, which masters the ability magma panzer or flame body. Is that the case, halve the steps you need for all eggs that you are wearing with you. For maximum efficiency, you pack five eggs and the corresponding fire-pokémon in your group. However, the effect is not stacked, a second monster with one of the capabilities mentioned does not reduce the steps.

The following Pokémon are qualified for magma panzer or flame body:

Bonita: Flame body Gallop: Flame body Mag by: Flame body Magma: Flame body Migrant: Flame body Lava dos: Flame body Schneckmag: Flame body and magma panzer Mag cargo: Flame body and magma panzer Heat ran: Flame body Cam erupt: Magma panzer

Other valuable tips and guides to Pokémon Diamond and Pearl:

Pokémon Diamond / Perl: Location of Pikachu and how your Rich and Fichu gets Pokémon Perl / Diamante: Get Master Ball — These are the locals Pokémon Diamond / Perl: That's how you come to the iron island and get role Pokémon Diamond / Perl — Secure secret gifts and all codes at a glance

Tips for Pokémon Breeding

If your shiny wants to breed, the above method is indispensable, because the chances of one of the dazzling Pokémon are also in the remastered diamond and Perl extremely low. Further, tips for the Shiny Hunt we have in a separate guide for you.

In the breeding of Pokémon you have to pay attention to the gender. That's annoying if you have two copies that do not match. However, you can handle this problem by taking a sexless Ditto compatible with all other pocket monsters (except Legendary's). Dittos can be found in the Pokémon estate on Route 212.
